Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Possessions never meant anything to me I'm not crazy

please feel free to argue via comments on this entry...i enjoy it, it gives me something to look forward to each day...its highly entertaining and i cant wait to see who 'wins.' Brooke, i feel that you and i are probably a lot alike and you are afraid to admit it, and well, thats cool. maybe in an alternate, bizaro universe such as the right hand of the apocalyptic elvis, we will be best friends. grant, i love you more than i love my little toes....and i love how you school my bff brooke. keep it up, i beg of you...steven, my love,the spaghetti eating love of my life, you are amazing and you know it. thank you for standing up for me in this thing, whatever it is....i never felt that i needed to be stood up for, because i dont understand why ive been targeted or whatever is going on, but i do appreciate you nonetheless....keep it up, because i DO think you are clever.......

k, talk amongst yourselves. just please do me a favor and let me post/rant/complain/vent/cry about things that actually matter in my own way, without your name calling and arguing about nothing poisoning it...........get it?

♥dont know why i picked linoleum for this one, but fuck, its a good song, eh?
Possessions never meant anything to me
I'm not crazy
Well that's not true, I've got a bed, and a guitar
And a dog named Bob who pisses on my floor
That's right, I've got a floor
So what, so what, so what?
I've got pockets full of kleenex and lint and holes
Where everything important to me
Just seems to fall right down my leg
And on to the floorMy closest friend linoleum
LinoleumSupports my head, gives me something to believe
That's me on the beachside combing the sand
Metal meter in my handSporting a pocket full of change
That's me on the street with a violin under my chin
Playing with a grin, singing gibberish
That's me on the back of the bus
That's me in the cel
lThat's me inside your head
That's me inside your head
That's me inside your head


kuntface said...

I am pretty sure in your "you win" comment back to me you made it pretty clear that you and I are nothing alike...I highly doubt we would be best friends in any universe..even if it happened to be "opposite" day or we lived in some bizarro world where it was deemed ok to wear your underwear on the outside of your pants.. we would not be the best of friends...Now how do I know so many of you like to wear your underwear on the outside? Lucky guess or perhaps there is a mole inside of your little "click"

hockeytemper said...

Hmm...I've come to the realization that Janeane isn't the only crazy chick named Garofalo that doesn't belong on radio. Did I just say that out loud? Oh and "click" is a sound, "clique" is a social group. But you're the clever one J-I mean "Brooke" so I'm probably wrong.

Anonymous said...

Brooke is funny in a I-hate-you-and-hope-you-die sort of way.

Which, in reality, isn't really funny at all.

Anonymous said...

PS: At least you didn't use "See Her Pee".

She had lips like stereo,
With the bass and treble down
She's got tits like microwave
Burritos that explode.
What I wouldn't give to see her pee
Betweem 2 parked cars
On a well lit street
5th and Main

kuntface said...

Ok, I admit it, now I am confused...Steve you got me on the spelling..I guess you can be the spelling bee winner today. And I am funny in a "I hate and you die sort of way"..

zombielu said...

underwear on the outside WOULD be a fun thing to do one of these days.....gonna have to look into it!

hockeytemper said...

"Brooke" don't be confused. It's just that we're pretty sure who you really are. Who in LL's life has nothing better to do than...well, behave like you? Who in LL's life is mentally imbalanced enough to think she's the clever one? And since there is an absence of others commenting on her blog except for you, the sole "outsider" who is here seemingly every day spewing vitriolic filth like it's your job: I know of only one person with that much of an axe to grind. Tell me, did they fire Dylan or did he quit because working with you and/or for Greg is a total nightmare?

kuntface said...

Nope still don't get it...and yes, underwear on the outside would be it

zombielu said...

maybe she thinks we're super heros, with the underwear on the outside thing....sweet!!!

Anonymous said...

we could join these real life superheroes and fight crime!

Anonymous said...

PS. post a blog about how insane "brooke" is (and by brooke, i mean her real life alter ego) and see how she blows up...? maybe?


okay. I'll shut it now.

zombielu said...

thats it. im moving to SLC...

hockeytemper said...

What a tangled web you weave Brooke. As tangled as the scraggly-ass dreds on your empty head.

kuntface said...

Just call me spider girl who is having a bad hair day...

zombielu said...

im confused....i thought you I was going to be spider girl??!?!?! now i have to rethink my entire super hero identity...maybe i can be 'the dark cloud'??? sounds scary!!!