Monday, April 28, 2008

binge drinking and cathartic punk rock

hahahhahah oh man, this is so hilarious. i havent had a good anonymous internet argument in a long time...its hilarious.... what makes it more so is the fact that she has come BACK to my ramblings...clearly they are more interesting than she first thought! hahahahahhaaaaa.....just so you know, brooke, i do, in fact think every boy in the world was or is in love with me...i mean, that is clear in my writing. how did you not pick up on that? need a lesson in comprehension. perhaps when you get into high school they will offer a course on it.

my kid could have easily been in that car. now, i understand that that is a selfish thing to say, but then again---its not. its me counting my 'blessings'(?). i am so unbelievably thankful that they are all alright. its scary to think about little people being that hurt. those poor babies...they will be freaked out for a while over this but they are, after all, OK. everyone is going to make a full recovery and evan will have a couple of scars that will definately get him some chicks later in life. hahaha. seriously, i dont believe in god, i dont believe in a 'higher power' or anything like that, but right now, i am grateful(as ray would say) to the universe for letting them live.


kuntface said...

Not so much interesting...rather insane! I am amazed at how one human being can be so insane and still be allowed into the general public...that my dear is what entertains me....the fact that the men in the white coats haven't come to take you away yet should be considered one of the wonders of the world. Now back you go to having the world's men, boys and probably girls fawn all over you...I just don't see how they can resist such an intelligent human being...

Anonymous said...

Brooke seems to have a maniacal lack of understanding for the art of sarcasm. poor little Brooke. One day you'll be cynical like the rest of us and you'll understand that even though you THINK you're some hot shit, you're actually just another rat in the race. Lighten up a bit, lady. It will work wonders for your sex life.

kuntface said...

Actually my sarcasm is just on a higher level of thought than yours...think outside of your little world and you will get it...

zombielu said...

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhaahahahahhaaaaaaaaahhhahahaaaaaaaaaahahhhhhahahahhahahahahhaha sweet baby jesus, this is great. hhhhhhhhhahahaaaa

kuntface said...

Tell me, why don't you ever defend for yourself? Would you rather have others speak for you? As that seems to be whats going on here...I thought you might have at least a shred of intelligence...

zombielu said...

i have no reason to defend myself to you, brookey. you are no one. my friends 'defend' me because they feel sorry for YOU...hahahaha, i find it hilarious. keep it going, its entertaining, and if nothing else, clearly adding to my insanity which i hold so so dear. hahahah

Anonymous said...

brooke said: "Actually my sarcasm is just on a higher level of thought than yours."

Finally, you said something that was actually humorous!

Brooke, you can't hold a candle to my sarcastic wit. You have nothing. But you're welcome to keep trying. Hope you have a lousy day!

hockeytemper said...

"My sarcasm is just on a higher level of thought than yours." Is that like, your tiger style defeats my mantis style? That's funny because in my experience (which is on a higher level than anyone's) is that people run to sarcasm and cynicism to avoid any sort of thought whatsoever.

Anonymous said...

Steve said: "people run to sarcasm and cynicism to avoid any sort of thought whatsoever."

I disagree, there are those that do, but I am an artist. Or rather, an artiste when it comes to sarcasm. I love it. I revel in it. I study it.

I am well educated, one of the smartest people I've ever known, and I don't run to sarcasm to avoid thought, I run to sarcasm to provoke thought. Usually an angry thought, but thought nonetheless.

hockeytemper said...

Well Grant, in Brooke's case I think I'm right. I understand where you're coming from there, but overall sarcasm is a tool, a defense mechanism. It's somewhere in between "I know you are, but what am I?" and "Your mother..."

kuntface said...

Well, at least one of you is intelligent and gets the point...thank you Grant!

"I am well educated, one of the smartest people I've ever known, and I don't run to sarcasm to avoid thought, I run to sarcasm to provoke thought. Usually an angry thought, but thought nonetheless"

Anonymous said...

i'll repeat what i said on the other post:

brooke, you're still a stupid cunt.

don't use my words to defend yourself. you're attacking someone you don't know, whose life story you know nothing about, and you call that sarcasm?

I call that being a bitch.

If you want to be sarcastic, let's please do that, but you're just a bitch that thinks she's being sarcastic.

zombielu said...

hahahahhahahhaaaahahahahaha, still, i maintain---buy a bad brains record, read a book, go to a museum or zoo.....quit w/ the world of warcraft or whatever larper game it is that is your choice and live a bit...perhaps then you will have something interesting/depressing/thought provoking/funny/REAL to write about....hahhahahahahahahahahaha